Massimiliano Iannotta
                      Running all over the world
  Massimiliano Iannotta
Barcelona (Spain) 17 february 2013  8.45 Half Marathon (21,098 km)
Time: 1h 37 m 54 s Position: 2954/14000
 Category: 1317

This is one of the European half marathons with the largest number of participants. This year there were approximately 14 thousand runners and therefore it was not to be missed. The start and the finish were situated close to the 'Arch of Triumph. The location was not difficult, with some slight uphill parts, the rout was winding through the wide streets of the city along the Ramblas and the waterfront. The organization was excellent and I had no problems with getting the bid number, there was water and everything that one needs before, during and also after the race. Needless to say that the scenarios offered by the city and the thousands of people cheering during the race were unique and even the weather was good. This time I also had a physical problem and I had to keep my pace not very fast. Because of that I finished the race with the result of 1 hour 37 minutes and 54 seconds, which is one of my worst ones. At the finish a T-shirt and a medal for everybody!

Details of my race

VIDEOS start  7th km  finish

Mitja Maraṭ de Bareclona