Massimiliano Iannotta
                      Running all over the world
  Massimiliano Iannotta
Malaga (Spain) 7 april 2013 ore 10,00 Half Marathon (21,098 km)
Time: 1h 39 m 43 s Position: 981/3400 Cat: 

Lots of Spanish runners and very few foreigners. Thus begins my comment of this race, which strangely enough, is not highly considered out of Spain, and yet, thanks to its proximity to Morocco it allows you to run in a very pleasant climate even at the beginning of April. Probably the fact that the organizers are not get used to the foreign runners participating in this race, I had a few problems with the bib number. The organizers couldn’t find me on the list and eventually one of them gave me the new number (in the final results I am Maximiliano Sannotta 1913). Another little problem was finding the stadium where there was the start and the finish. It was located in the extreme suburban area and it was not easily accessible by public transport. All  in all, the run was not so bad which shows the massive participation, especially of men, and the great turnout of mothers with prams and pushchairs on the stadium, which applauded their husbands. The route, which was not very nice in the beginning,  became very interesting especially in the historic center and close to the sea with a few climbs and traps close to the Cathedral where the pavement vas very smooth. My race was not very satisfactory once again because of the physical problems, and that's why I started the race far behind losing at least one minute at the start and then running constantly not forcing myself, almost never without going under 4 minutes and 30 per km. However, my goal was to get under an hour and 40 minutes running fluently and without forcing too much. This race was probably my last before September.

Details of my race


Media Maratòn Ciudad de Malaga